Documentations > Developer Documentations > Testing
Testing OSCAR Trunk
On Debian Based Systems
Preliminary Notes
It seems that the Debian packages for SystemImager have issues during the installation on a fresh system: the installation of _systemimager–initrd-template-
If you face the problem, please send the error message on oscar-devel, so we can check that the problem is the same on all systems (then we will try to find a fix).
Howto Test Trunk on Debian Based Systems
- As root, add the following line into your /etc/apt/sources.list:
- On x86_64 systems: deb etch /
- On x86 systems: deb etch /
- Execute as root aptitude update
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date
- Check-out OSCAR trunk
- Execute as root make install
- Execute as root oscar-config –bootstrap
- Execute as root system-sanity and make sure you address all the reported issues
- Execute as root oscar-wizard install
On RPM Based Systems
- As root, add the following file into your /etc/yum.conf.d directory:
- On x86_64 systems: []
- On x86 systems: []
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date, executing as root yum update
- Check-out OSCAR trunk
- Execute as root make install
- Execute as root oscar-config –bootstrap
- Execute as root system-sanity and make sure you address all the reported issues
- Execute as root oscar-wizard install