Documentations > Developer Documentations > Testing
Testing the OSCAR version available via our repositories
Testing the latest release
On RPM Based Systems
- As root, add the following file into your /etc/yum.repos.d directory:
- On x86_64 systems: [attachment:CentOS-x86_64-OSCAR.repo]
- On x86 systems: [attachment:CentOS-i386-OSCAR.repo]
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date, executing as root yum update or dnf update or zypper update
- install the oscar-release package for your distro from<oscar-version>/
- Check the content of the /etc/oscar/oscar.conf file; make sure it matches your configuration (for instance check the OSCAR interface, i.e., the network interface used to manage your cluster, is correctly set).
- Execute as root oscar-config –setup-distro <distro>-<version>-<arch> (for instance oscar-config –setup-distro centos-7-x86_64). To get the list of Linux distributions officially supported by a given release of OSCAR, or get the exact syntax of the identifier you must use, you can execute the oscar-config –supported-distros command.
- Execute as root oscar-config –bootstrap
- Execute as root system-sanity and make sure you address all the reported issues
- Execute as root oscar_wizard install
On Debian Based Systems
- As root, add the following line into your /etc/apt/sources.list:
- On x86_64 systems: deb etch /
- On x86 systems: deb etch /
- Execute as root aptitude update
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date
- Execute as root apt-get install oscar
- Check the content of the /etc/oscar/oscar.conf file; make sure it matches your configuration (for instance check the OSCAR interface, i.e., the network interface used to manage your cluster, is correctly set).
- Execute as root oscar-config –setup-distro <distro>-<version>-<arch> (for instance oscar-config –setup-distro debian-4-x86_64)
- Execute as root oscar-config –bootstrap
- Execute as root system-sanity and make sure you address all the reported issues
- Execute as root oscar_wizard install
== Testing the development version ==
On RPM Based Systems (CentOS-5.x, RHEL-5.x, openSuse 10.x, and SuSe Entreprise 10.x)
- Follow quick start guide
On Debian Based Systems
- As root, add the following line into your /etc/apt/sources.list:
- On Debian 4 x86_64 systems: deb etch /
- On Debian 4 x86 systems: deb etch /
- On Debian 5 x86_64 systems (still experimental): deb etch /
- Execute as root aptitude update
- Make sure that your system is up-to-date
- Execute as root apt-get install oscar
- Check the content of the /etc/oscar/oscar.conf file; make sure it matches your configuration (for instance check the OSCAR interface, i.e., the network interface used to manage your cluster, is correctly set).
- Execute as root oscar-config –setup-distro <distro>-<version>-<arch> (for instance oscar-config –setup-distro debian-6-x86_64)
- Execute as root oscar-config –bootstrap
- Execute as root system-sanity and make sure you address all the reported issues
- Execute as root oscar_wizard install