Documentations > Developer Documentations > Testing
Here’s a quick set of steps for testing PVM without having all of OSCAR installed.
Install the PVM rpm(s) (If you don’t have Env-switcher/Modules installed you can set the following environment variables by hand on all systems to be used in the virtual machine, e.g., via $HOME/.profile (BASH) or the appropriate file for your shell.)
if on x86
if on x86_64 or ia64
- Grab the ‘master1.c’ and ‘slave1.c’ files from the testing/ subdir of the PVM opkg.
Compile the test programs,
sgrundy: $ gcc -I$PVM_ROOT/include master1.c
-L$PVM_ROOT/lib/$PVM_ARCH -lpvm3 -o master1sgrundy: $ gcc -I$PVM_ROOT/include slave1.c
-L$PVM_ROOT/lib/$PVM_ARCH -lpvm3 -o slave1 -
Create the default location for PVM binaries,
sgrundy: $ mkdir -p $HOME/pvm3/bin/$PVM_ARCH
- Copy the ‘master1’ and ‘slave1’ files to the default PVM binaries location (see above),
sgrundy: $ cp master1 slave1 $HOME/pvm3/bin/$PVM_ARCH
Startup pvm and add a machine (or two)
sgrundy: $ pvm pvm> conf #…lists the current virtual machine configuration… pvm> add oscarnode1 pvm> conf # …lists the current virtual machine configuration…
Exit from the pvm console using ‘quit’ (not ‘halt’).
pvm> quit sgrundy: $
Run the ‘master1’ binary and you should get results for the calculation. (Assuming you have two nodes (localhost and oscarnode1) you would have 6 lines, three values from each machine.) 1.You can now return to the pvm console and halt PVM to end the test.
sgrundy: $ pvm pvm> halt