Documentations > Developer Documentations > OSCAR infrastructure
This perl module contains functions and variables for managing package repository path related things.
use OSCAR::PackagePath;
# return hash with available distro pools
%pools = list_distro_pools();
# path to OSCAR .url file specific to distro (OSCAR packages are here)
$oscar_url_file = oscar_urlfile($os);
# path to distro specific .url file (distro packages are here)
$os = distro_detect_or_die();
# list OSCAR repositories accessible for distro:
@repo_list = repos_list_urlfile($oscar_url_file);
# add a repository or more (add arguments)
repos_add_urlfile($oscar_url_file, "http://slurp/path");
# delete a repository or more
repos_del_urlfile($oscar_url_file, "http://blah/path");
Exported variables
Exported Function
- list_distro_pools : build a hash containing all distros which are configured, i.e. all distros that have a .url file in /tftpboot/distro/. The hash primary key is the distro string. Subkeys are:
- os: a reference to the distro’s detected $os structure.
- oscar_repo: the oscar repositories configured for this distribution. Multiple repositories are separated by commas.
- distro_repo: the distribution repositories configured for this distribution.
- distro_repo_url :
- oscar_repo_url
- repo_empty
- repos_list_urlfile
- repos_add_urlfile
- repos_del_urlfile
- os_distro_string
- os_cdistro_string
- pkg_extension
- pkg_separator
- distro_detect_or_die