OSCAR Package Maintainers
The following is a list of OSCAR packages and their respective maintainers. The maintainer’s responsibility is to update the software on a regular basis and resolve any known building/operating issues on the various architecture platforms that OSCAR supports (namely x86, x86_64 and ia64):
OSCAR Package | Maintainer | Description |
APITest | Thomas Naughton, Olivier Lahaye | Cluster installation test engine |
BLCR | (obsolete) | Berkley Checkpoint Restart. |
C3 | Thomas Naughton, Olivier Lahaye | Tool to run a command across compute nodes |
Configurator | Olivier Lahaye | |
Env-switcher | DongInn Kim | module to switch across different MPI stacks |
Ganglia | Erich Focht, Olivier Lahaye | Cluster web medtrics (load, jobs, …) |
Jobmonarch | Olivier Lahaye | Cluster web job history listing (ganglia module) |
Kernel-picker | Olivier Lahaye | |
LAM/MPI | Not supported anymore | Old MPI stack |
Loghost | Olivier Lahaye | Configure head as syslog host (accept nodes logs) |
MPICH | Erich Focht | an MPI stack |
Maui | DongInn Kim, Olivier Lahaye | Smart job scheduler (mainly used with torque) |
Naemon | Olivier Lahaye | Cluster health monitoring with web interface |
NetBootMgr | Erich Focht | GUI to set node next PXE boot menu |
Network-configurator | Olivier Lahaye | Part of OSCAR API |
ODA | DongInn Kim | Oscar Database API |
Open MPI | DongInn Kim | an MPI stack |
Opium | Olivier Lahaye | SSH configuration for nodes |
Opkgc | Olivier Lahaye | Oscar opkg distro package generator “compiler” (used by oscar-packager) |
Orm | Olivier Lahaye | Oscar Repository Managfer |
Oscar | Olivier Lahaye | Main OSCAR component |
Oscar-installer | OSCAR offline install program from tarballs (obsolete) | |
Oscar-nat | Thomas Naughto | Manage OSCAR NAT tables. (currently broken) |
Oscar-packager | Olivier Lahaye | Main OSCAR distro package builder. |
PVM | Thomas Naughton, Olivier Lahaye | |
Packman | Olivier Lahaye | Package manager (abstraction layer over rpm/deb) |
Pfilter | broken? | iptable configuration |
Rapt | Olivier Lahaye | enhanced apt to deal with local oscar repositories (similar to yume for rpms) |
SC3 | Erich Focht, Olivier Lahaye | enhanced C3 that can deal with subclusters. |
SGE | Sun Grid Engine. currently broken. | |
SIS : systemiconfigurator | Olivier Lahaye, Erich Focht | Used to configure kernel+bootloader+network on imaged nodes. Now obsolete and only kept for perle API dependancies. |
SIS : systemimager | Olivier Lahaye | Client/Server software used to deploy nodes thru PXE. |
SIS : systeminstaller | Olivier Lahaye, Erich Focht | Set of scripts to create and configure images for systemimager. |
Selector | Olivier Lahaye | OSCAR components selection GUI |
Slurm | Olivier Lahaye | Modern job queue manager and scheduler with accounting. |
Sync_files | Olivier Lahaye | cron scripts to keep files in sync across compute nodes. |
System-update | Olivier Lahaye | Manage OS updates across cluster |
TORQUE | Olivier Lahaye | job batch queue manager (includes a primitive scheduler that is best replaced with Maui) |
Yume | Yum enhanced able to deal with oscar local repos (similar to rapt for debs) |