Erich Focht is OSCAR core developer and works for NEC High Performance Computing Europe in Germany.
Areas of interest within the OSCAR development:
- Heterogeneous clusters with multiple architectures and distributions
- Cluster image management & deployment (systeminstaller, systemimager, systemconfigurator)
- Scalable cluster management (Yume, netbootmgr, SC3, patching&updating OSCAR, …)
- Scalable cluster monitoring (Ganglia, monitoring infrastructure et al.)
- Virtualization (primarilly with VMware)
- Diskless client nodes
At NEC HPCE Erich leads the development of OSCAR-Pro, a cluster framework built on top of OSCAR serving as software basis for NEC’s cluster customers.
Erich’s other computing related interests:
- Linux kernel hacking
- parallel filesystems
- single system image concepts
- vector computers design, programming
- hybrid (vector-scalar) architectures