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Documentations > Developer Documentations > OSCAR Distribution Support > Distro Support

General RPM building nodes

When building RPMs for OSCAR on x86 hardware, we have agreed to build them with i686 optimization, i.e., run rpmbuild with the --target i686 argument.

If possible, change your buildhost’s hostname to something that is representative of the distribution you are building on, e.g.,


You need to make sure that TORQUE is installed as well, otherwise LAM/MPI will be built without the TM Interface. We will add a specific Requires for TORQUE in the LAM/MPI spec file in the future.

For Fedora Core 4 and 5, you need to add the following argument for rpmbuild:

--define "config_options FC=gfortran --with-tm=/opt/pbs"

If you wish to build XMPI (the LAM/MPI process viewer) then you will need the Trillium headers enabled, to do this add --with-trillium to the config options, thus:

--define "config_options --with-trillium"

This option may be added into future official releases of LAM/MPI for OSCAR, in which case it will just be hard coded into the specification file.

Open MPI

We currently build the RPM with the following options:

rpmbuild -ba --define "oscar 1" \
  --define "_packager YOUR_NAME <YOUR_EMAIL>" \ 
  --define "_vendor OSCAR" \
  --define "configure_options --with-tm=/opt/pbs" openmpi-1.0.2.spec

with the TORQUE RPMs installed on the build system.

Sun Grid Engine

The SGE RPM includes parallel environment integration with PVM - the integration requires that a program be built with PVM libraries and therefore rebuilding SGE requires PVM to be installed and to have the proper PVM_ROOT environment setup. The easiest way is to install the PVM package that comes with OSCAR, although it would probably be a lot easier if you can simply build it with the PVM RPM which came with Linux distribution.